On 24 August 2013 12:35, inode0 <inode0@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you don't want to deal with names, just don't get in the emails or vote..
> because it isn't worth getting worked up over.

No point saying that because it won't happen. This was just an
announcement of the vote and look where it has gone. The only way to
stop people from getting worked up over this silly business is to stop
doing it and that is about the only thing I want to discuss at this
point. There isn't any point tweaking the process as those dead set
against it are not going to stop complaining about it at every

Well I am saying it. 

Hi, everyone who is bringing up removing the names (especially myself). 

Let It Go. Move along, 
Go find something positive to do and go do that. Let the people who have fun doing this, do it and get out of their way. 

There. Done my bit. Going for a bike ride.

Stephen J Smoogen.