On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 11:00 AM Felix Schwarz <fschwarz@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

Am 24.08.21 um 22:47 schrieb Steven A. Falco:
> Should I edit the criteria in f33 so I can mark it stable before the 7 days
> elapse, or should I let it wait?  It seems weird that one release would have to
> wait longer than the other releases when the fix is identical for all of them.

Also I'd even prefer F33 getting the update a bit later:
I assume F33 users are valuing stability over "latest versions and fixes"
(otherwise they would have upgraded to F34 already). On the other hand the bug
is probably not too bad (otherwise the bug would have been fixed earlier or
users would have stopped using the package altogether).

So as a F33 user I'd prefer only getting "rock solid" fixes over newer stuff
which might introduce regressions.

just a personal opinion though :-)


That isn't what happened in this case though. One of the libraries it depended on was updated, which changed the patch version in the soname (there used to be no soname versioning for that library until now, when they introduced the versioning system). The library loader inside KiCad was searching for the exact soname because of the way the loader works (load the library explicitly and then find the function pointers), but because the soname it was built with didn't exist anymore, it couldn't find it. This led to an error on launching one part of the program, making that part stop working when it was working before the library update. All that was needed to fix this was a rebuild of the package to pick up the new soname - no patches required.
