Make sure that you also ask releng to make you primary owner instead of orphan (otherwise it will get retired at some point).

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 7:15 PM Artur Iwicki <> wrote:
So, I've contacted the maintainers. Adam Tkac has granted me commit access, saying that he's no longer interested in the package. Topdog didn't respond to my e-mail, but I see that he's no longer listed as the package admin... so I guess that leaves me in charge.

I will take to updating the package to the newest version in the following week. I also think we should drop the "Version: 0; Release: XY.%{upstream_date}" versioning, since upstream has been consistent in using release dates as version numbers - I'd switch to "Version: %{upstream_date}; Release: XY" (where XY is your normal bump-after-every-change RPM Release number).
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