So I've spent about 40 hours pushing through build problems in the COPR[1] I've set up beating what packages I could into submission and moving the ones I couldn't (or shouldn't) port to the openexr2 compat package.

Some of the ones I didn't even try porting were packages that looked to be legacy like the kde3/kde4 ones or packages on their 40th release with no activity upstream. I don't want to update any package when it's unlikely or impossible (dead upstream) that OpenEXR 3 will ever be supported officially.

Some packages only needed some build system updates because of the restructuring of the libraries. Others needed just a little bit of porting in the code.

With all that said, I'm down to one package/problem... Blender

The problem is not with Blender itself, but rather that it depends on OpenVDB and I've already confirmed with upstream that OpenEXR 3 will not be supported until the next major release. Ironically they are both under the stewardship of the Academy Software Foundation (AWSF) so great coordination there... :/ 

That being said, OpenSceneGraph wasn't ready either but it was relatively easy to port after I figured out that the EXR plugin it builds doesn't create a fatal error during the build when it fails (frustrating!)

Ok, and as usual, writing all of this has helped me work through porting OpenVDB... I'll see about sending the patch upstream.

I'll probably create the side-tag tomorrow and start working on the builds.
