On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 8:44 AM Felix Schwarz <fschwarz@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

However: Thank you Richard for taking care of PySide2. I contributed (tiny
bits) to Fedora's PySide/Shiboken packages in the past and I can only guess
how many hours you spent to get the new versions into Fedora.

Thanks! I do overall enjoy contributing to Fedora but like a lot of us 10 year plus packagers, I'm accumulated many packages (some a lot more trouble than others!) and while I have no intention of taking a hiatus or anything I'm trying to find a packager life balance :)

I hate having things broken (OCD) which has caused me to work on things while at $DAYJOB which is ok every now and then but it started happening too much, but that's another story that I bet a lot us of are familair with.  
