Hey all,
I havent used gdb in a while, so I'm trying to knock the rust off my knowledge and pick up a few more skills.  
I'm trying to track down an issue in the Lumina Desktop. One of the utilities (lumina-screenshot) segfaults when starting up and I'm trying to deduce why.  The problem is that it gets pretty far into the program starting before it finally dies and I havent been able to step through gdb enough manually to find that point.

Is there a way to run gdb in a capture mode of some kind and dump the output entirely like I can do with strace?
I kinda need to know where it's crashing to have an idea of where to set up breakpoints.

Unless my memory is off, I was sure there was a way to do this but I just can't seem to remember or figure out how to do it.

Any pointers?  Thanks!