> From: notting@redhat.com
> John.Florian@dart.biz (John.Florian@dart.biz) said:
> > > journalctl _COMM=<blah> works for me on F19.
> >
> > As it does for me, but somewhere it got clipped that what I was
> > asking/wishing for was a convenient -C option (like ps) to do just this,
> > much like -u equates to _SYSTEMD_UNIT.
> It's available. File an RFE, if you haven't already?

Yeah, I was hoping Lennart would just pop in with "good idea, added to the TODO" so I could avoid the sluggishness that is BZ.  However, I didn't see that happen and feel no right in complaining without a BZ, so here we go  :-)

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=985548 [RFE: improve journalctl filtering by _COMM]

John Florian