On 28 Jan 2022, at 15:33, Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm sorry, this is entirely my fault. I provided symlinks for the binaries, but didn't think of the systemd unit files symlinks. The services files were added or modified to take into account environment files which were requested multiple times, and without which the package were basically unusable. The binary were renamed to provide commonalities with other distro.
Alert manager service was added, Node exporter and Prometheus were fixed. There should not be any breaking change for Prometheus though, the only thing added was the Environment file.
I will seek co-maintainers for these packages as I initially packaged them to be used as dependency for other projects but I never intended to be maintainer of the services, which are a bit out of my depth.
I will be pushing an update for node-exporter with a service symlink for the old name.

You can add me as co-maintainer. I'm happy to review any future changes
and discuss packing issues.

Also I like that you have made important improvement to the packaging.
I was working around the problems with being able to pass args to the
prometheus and node-exported command lines.

I found that you made another breaking changes.

You changed the UID/GID for node_exporter's text-collector folder from
node_exporter to prometheus. I'm not convinced that is a useful change.
I was running processes that write to that folder Group=node_exporter.
Now I have to use Group=prometheus and that seems wrong to me.

Why can my collector also access prometheus resources via Group permissions?
Isn't it better that node_exporter and prometheus are keep apart?
