Hello World!

My name is Christian Glombek (or simply Chris :) and I'd like to join the Fedora Packagers Group. I'm currently a student of Electrical Engineering and Business Management at RWTH University in Aachen, Germany.
My FAS and IRC handle is `lorbus` and on GitHub and Twitter I'm `LorbusChris`. I've been using Fedora for two or so years on my daily drivers, very much to my satisfaction.
Fedora's focus on modern concepts, especially container technology, intrigues me. Its community to me has always seemed open, friendly, diverse and knowledgeable. 
I also feel that Fedora's sponsor Red Hat has established a symbiotic relationship with this community, transparently supporting a quite remarkable and rightfully successful business model.
I feel passionate about Open Source Technology and would like to participate!

Over the past few months I've been feeding my interests in some corners of the extended Fedora universe, mainly tinkering with RPM and Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB) packaging and also trying out custom Atomic/OSTree builds (love Atomic Workstation!).


I want to get some packages into Fedora proper and I need a sponsor for that!
I'd also hugely appreciate (unofficial) reviews or any other feedback for the following packages: 

BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1491492
COPR: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lorbus/coturn/
Repo: https://github.com/LorbusChris/coturn-rpm

BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1494915
COPR: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lorbus/libreoffice-online/
Repo: https://github.com/LorbusChris/libreoffice-online-rpm
The frontend part of libreoffice-online, loleaflet, uses `npm install` during build (versioned with a npm-shrinkwrap file). From what I've read about packaging nodejs modules, I'll probably have to manually download and add all module sources to the rpm. WIP. 

BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1494914
COPR: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lorbus/rspamd/
Repo: https://github.com/LorbusChris/rspamd-rpm
I'll have to gather some more info about bundled softwares, possibly split out some existing dep packages.

ragel-rpm / colm-rpm:
I also did some work updating the already-existing Ragel (dep of Rspamd) and Colm (dep of Ragel) rpms and was consequently asked by current repo maintainer Jason Taylor (jtaylor) to take over the position, which I'll gladly do once I've found a sponsor and get the privilege of joining the packagers' group!
I'd like to try out Modularity packaging for Ragel as it has two release streams, stable and development, of which only the latter is in Fedora.
(I made a ragel-compat rpm for the stable release stream, which can be found on COPR, but I believe Modularity's arbitrary branching would be a perfect fit here!)
COPR ragel-compat: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lorbus/ragel-compat/


I also like the idea of the Kubernetes Service Catalog, in conjunction with the Ansible Service Broker (and Ansible in general) and so I did some tinkering with Ansible Playbook Bundles, the packaging format for the Ansible Broker:

Repo: https://github.com/LorbusChris/awx-apb
APB to broker (provision/deprovision) Ansible AWX.
Can also be used as an alternative installer for AWX deployment on OpenShift.

Repo: https://github.com/LorbusChris/openshift-acme-installer
Installer for https://github.com/tnozicka/openshift-acme
Non-standard privilged (cluster-admin) APB, can be used as installer, not currently for brokering.

Eventually, I'd like to see FreeIPA, Dovecot, Postfix, Rspamd, Clamd, NextCloud, LibreOffice Online, Prosody and Coturn all packaged for Fedora as RPM and Docker and for K8s Service Catalog as APB for use in a little pet project of mine:
https://github.com/contor-cloud/contor (WIP)

Expect to see me around on the IRC, too! I'll be saying hello in the relevant channels in the coming days. 
If you have any questions or maybe have a task for me at hand, please let me know!

Attending Conferences

In December I met up with Fedora Ambassador Till Maas (till) for tea here in Aachen and was given answers to lots of my questions regarding Fedora. Thanks again, Till!
He also encouraged me to attend conferences, which is why I will be at:

- DevConf.cz, Brno, Jan 26-28, that's this Weekend!
- CentOS Dojo, Brussels, Feb 2
- FOSDEM, Brussels, Feb 3
- Config Management Camp, Gent, Feb 5-7

I hope to meet some members of the community there in person! Please feel free to ping me if you're there! :)

I'm looking forward to participating and contributing here!

Best regards
Christian Glombek