On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 4:58 AM Peter Boy <pboy@uni-bremen.de> wrote:

> Am 07.04.2022 um 00:25 schrieb Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com>:
> It would be useful if we do indeed get a x86 BIOS SIG as Hans de Goede
> proposed. I think Fedora Server and Fedora Cloud would be interested
> in such a thing, given all the caveats right now with dropping BIOS
> support for server-class hardware.

As the soul who currently coordinates and moderates the work of the Server WG, I would be very much in favor of such a SIG as a possible way out. If it's good enough, that is.

Just coming up with the idea of removing the (new) installation of such a central part from one release to the next leaves me speechless. That's tens of thousands of devices / users affected and we don't even know how many tens of thousands. And then phrases like "..will remove it anyway". What else is there to say?

I'm afraid just creating an x86 BIOS SIG is not sufficient anymore. We need a completely different spirit in this area.

Don’t get me wrong. Lack of resources to maintain something is completely legitimate. But I expect more open-mindedness and willingness for constructive alternatives. And none of that is evident in the Change proposal, nor in the discussion here (by the change proposal authors).

This is a proposal. Nothing has changed yet. The choice is now whether to go forward with it or come together with a cohesive alternative, including one of the two listed in the proposal. But we need a solution that accounts for the existing maintainers not having capacity to continue maintaining legacy code. I've seen responses from Robbie and Brian (and myself) that are correcting false statements or following up on questions and nothing that indicates to me close-mindedness or unwillingness for constructive alternatives.
And it is OK for me to migrate to UEFI only in the long run. But not that way.
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Jared Dominguez (he/him)
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