Well, I have been wanting to become a fedora packager for a while and I have some of that hardware somewhere around here.
I might need an Elmer to help me through the first iteration.


On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 6:28 PM Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 1:59 PM Matt Domsch <matt@domsch.com> wrote:
Due to an impending move to NYC and related downsizing of my house into a 2-bedroom apartment, I'm selling all my ham radio gear. Therefore I won't be able to test any of the Fedora packages I maintain with actual hardware.  Would anyone be interested in maintaining or co-maintaining these?

- direwolf - Sound Card-based AX.25 TNC
- CubicSDR - Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Panadapter
- liquid-dsp - Digital Signal Processing Library for Software-Defined Radios
- sdrpp - SDRPlusPlus bloat-free SDR receiver software
- SoapySDR - A Vendor Neutral and Platform Independent SDR Support Library
- soapy-rtlsdr - SoapySDR module for RTL-SDR hardware

Whichever ones aren't taken, just give them to me (or orphan them and let me know). 

But if someone wants them, please take them! I need more packages like I need a new hole in my head. :)
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