On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:
Richard Hughes wrote:
> Naa, try the version of zif in F16, or grab the latest upstream SRPM
> and rebuild it for f15 from here:
> http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/fedora/15/SRPMS/

I submitted a Koji scratch build of zif-0.2.4-0.78.20110918git for F15:

Hey, Kevin and Richard

I've installed this zif from koji and I'm still not able to complete a "zif install paprefs" transaction with realworld F15 configured public repository set, whereas all the yum based tools: yum. repoquery etc... complete as expected.

Here is what yum repolist returns
repo id                                                  repo name                                                                    status
adobe-linux-i386                                         Adobe Systems Incorporated                                                       18
fedora                                                   Fedora 15 - x86_64                                                           24,085
google-musicmanager                                      google-musicmanager                                                               1
google-talkplugin                                        google-talkplugin                                                                 1
openshift-express                                        Openshift-express                                                                 1
rpmfusion-free                                           RPM Fusion for Fedora 15 - Free                                                 438
rpmfusion-free-updates                                   RPM Fusion for Fedora 15 - Free - Updates                                       287
rpmfusion-nonfree                                        RPM Fusion for Fedora 15 - Nonfree                                              179
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates                                RPM Fusion for Fedora 15 - Nonfree - Updates                                    120
updates                                                  Fedora 15 - x86_64 - Updates                                                  6,408
updates-testing                                          Fedora 15 - x86_64 - Test Updates                                             1,239

Guys what's going on with zif?
