Dear David Abdurachmanov,

I have seen your presentation about fedora bootstrap on RV64, it was very nice presentation actually. I am planning to boot a RISC-V Fedora on QEMU Emulator, but I want to do some changes in fedora distro. Fedora distro without compressed instruction support require for me, for this I have written some steps where I can do changes. This steps completely I have taken from your presentation. Please correct my steps whether I am going in correct way or not ? I am new to fedora as well as bootstrap process.


1. Installing QEMU (In x86 fedora host PC)
2. Installing GNU cross compiler tool chain (In this step I have installed tool chain (RV64IMAFD support) in fedora 86 host PC).
3. Install Berkly bootloader (In this step I have installed bootloader in fedora x86 host pc).
4. Linux kernel + basic rootfs (In this step taken Linux kernal from and cross compiled with above tool chain, created basic rootfs).

From Here I am not understanding the steps

5. Cross compile  and Install "RPM" packages and dependencies (where I can get RPMs and dependencies list, after cross compiling RPMs whare I have to install ?).
6. Install pre build RPMS (no idea about this step).
7. Rebuild RPMS from SRPMs natively (no idea about this step).
8. Install the new RPMS (no idea about this step).
9. Build stage4 image (no idea about this step).

Please correct my steps and give the solutions for step (5-9).

