
Fantastic! Since you have a Xen setup, would you mind running this test and posting your results to the wiki? [0]
Let me know if you need anything.

[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Boot_Methods_Xen_Para_Virt

Geoff Marr
IRC: coremodule

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 8:21 PM Aaron Gray <aaronngray.lists@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 02:33, Aaron Gray <aaronngray.lists@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to get Xen working properly on rawhide / F29 Beta.

I had one instillation on F29 that worked straight away with :-

    sudo yum groupinstall 'Virtualization' sudo yum install xen

I cannot seem to reproduce this now though :(

And am getting the following :-
Loading xen 4.11.0
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file
`/EFI/fedora/x86_64-efi/module2.mod' not found.
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file
`/EFI/fedora/x86_64-efi/multiboot2.mod' not found.
Loading Linux 4.18.5-300.fc29.x86_64 ...
error: ../../grub-core/script/function.c:109@can't file command `module2'.
Loading initial ramdisk ...
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file
`/EFI/fedora/x86_64-efi/module2.mod' not found.
error: ../../grub-core/script/function.c:109@can't file command `module2'.

I have another SSD now with Xen booting correctly but unable toaccess xen from virt-manager but am getting access to it via :-

    virsh -c xen:///system

which is showing Domain-0 running

On boot up its still giving errors :-
Loading Xen 4.11.0 ...
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file `/grub2/i386-pc/module2.mod' not found.
Loading Linux 4.18.5-300.fc29.x86_64 ...
Loading initial ramdisk ...
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file `/grub2/i386-pc/module2.mod' not found.
So it look like module2.mod is still not loading but I was getting this on the fully working version I lost earlier IIRC.

I am hoping that this error report is useful and might give a clue as to what I need to do next to get Xen running on my Intel Z270 hardware.

I am sort of thinking the reson Xen is not working on this last machine is a missing rpm ?

Okay it was really simple, I just did - File > Add Connection - and Xen is there now !
I can work as a tester for Xen for F29 Beta if this is needed as I would like to get this release working properly for Xen.
I have fast machines and multiple SSD's so can quite quickly do reinstalls and mods for testing if that helps.

I will follow up the above errors the module/module2 and multiboot/multiboot2 are insmod's in the grub config so I am wondering if module.mod is required but not crucial and missing or whether its been made redundant and is still in the grub config ? It would be good to get to the bottom of this. Also I am wondering with the EFI errors whether its to do with the UEFI configuration on Fedora install whether that is selected or not ?

Aaron Gray

Independent Open Source Software Engineer, Computer Language Researcher, Information Theorist, and amateur computer scientist.
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