On 5/20/21 11:09 PM, Reon Beon via devel wrote:


It is a library for printer applications [1], not a substitute for CUPS. CUPS is still present and is going to be.

There will be more printer applications coming into Fedora (ps-printer-app f.e.) and one already is (lprint).

The purpose of the library is have a way how to implement a support for devices which don't support IPP Everywhere [2] or its derivations (Airprint, Mopria, Google cloud print) or IPP over USB[3], so they can be seen by CUPS once we remove printer driver support.

Another way of usage can be for printer vendors which find IPP Everywhere as a too much generic support for their devices, so they can implement their own printer application with more specialized options and that printer application will advertise the device to CUPS.

The bottom line of all of this:

If your printer is network printer released approx. 2010 and later or USB printer released approx. 2015 and later (tips how to find out if your device supports driverless printing here [4]), you don't even need to install your printer anymore, not mention using a printer driver (or future printer applications). Since GTK is fixed (since F33), you can just open a print dialog, the device will be found (after you do several steps - here for network printers [1], USB printers [2]), and you can print.

Printer applications will be needed only for older devices and specialized printing.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_printing_problems#Printer_applications

[2] https://www.pwg.org/ipp/everywhere.html

[3] https://robots.org.uk/IPPOverUSB?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=IPP+USB+Specification.pdf

[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_printing_problems#How_to_find_out_whether_my_printer_is_capable_of_driverless_printing.3F

[5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_printing_problems#How_to_setup_CUPS_temporary_queues_with_network_printer

[6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_printing_problems#How_to_setup_CUPS_temporary_queues_with_USB_printer

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Zdenek Dohnal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech - Brno TPB-C