I think anaconda is better than ubuntu installer. 

Ubuntu installer does not support LVM and RAID. I need these features. 

Anaconda does not easily support upgrading from internet. It is quite regretful. 

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:14 AM, John Reiser <jreiser@bitwagon.com> wrote:
On 10/11/2010 03:41 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

> Some of the things [Ubuntu 10.10 installer] does which are IMHO better:
>  - starts disk formatting / copying / installing in parallel
>    with asking user questions
>  - downloads updates in parallel too

What was the wall-clock duration from "Go!" to done?
Should be about 140 seconds for a 32X CD-ROM: (700MB / 5MB/s).
{Fetch_from_media_or_download, and uncompress_package_to_pieces_in_RAMfs}
parallelizes almost perfectly with package install, even with only one CPU.


Fedora && Debian User, former Ubuntu User
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