2012/3/26 Jan Synacek <jsynacek@redhat.com>
On 03/24/12 at 01:42pm, Antonio Trande wrote:
> Hello.
> With my Acer Aspire 6930G happen that after an indefinite time, the fan
> starts to work permanently regardless of temperature.
> In this moment,  according to nvclock [1] the GPU temp is 43°C and the fan
> is on; strangely because it starts to work over 47°C all along.
> If i format the BIOS, the fan goes back to work only over 47°C.
> Infos: [2]
> I don't know if this issue depends on Fedora, but i wish understand its
> cause.
> Had someone a similar experience o an idea of what is it ?

Are you by any chance using nvidia binary drivers? I have a similarly sounding
problem on my home laptop using nvidia 8400m and binary drivers. It's described
here [1]. While it may not be exactly your problem, maybe it can provide some

[1] http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=9f6f6c4f2dcd351cecc8a7e890126229&t=148976

Jan Synacek
BaseOS team Brno

No, i use only nouveau driver with Fedora  (except Windows).

Antonio Trande
"Fedora Ambassador"

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