The problem here is we disable the esd supporting when build libgnome. But if we enable it, gnome_sound_play() works just fine.
( I have tested this.) So I think although we have removed esd from
Fedora 10, but we shouldn't disable esd supporting in libgnome. Right?

2009/2/2 Lennart Poettering <>
On Mon, 02.02.09 07:49, King InuYasha ( wrote:

> But when you break something as major as libgnome, steps should be taken to
> ease the transition. Perhaps the function could be forwarded? I'm not really
> much of a programmer, but I recognize that you can't just break
> functionality in core libraries like that and expect everyone to fix their
> apps up "just like that." Fowarding the function (for compatibility
> purposes) while deprecating it would probably be more ideal. In any case,
> that's just my two cents...

For a core piece of an API keeping compat is certainly important. But
this is sound events, don't forget that. Quite frankly, most people have them
deatcivated anyway.

It has been documented that this can be disabled at compile time and
it's pretty unimportant anyway and there is a much better replacement
available. Hence I'd assume that the advantage of getting rid of this
legacy cruft will always be more attractive then keeping it around.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
