On Tue, Dec 24, 2019, 09:51 Barry Scott <barry@barrys-emacs.org> wrote:
I wish to push pycxx for epel7 how do I add a the epel7 tags?

The following comment has been added to the python-pycxx-7.1.3-5.el7 update:

bodhi - 2019-12-24 07:04:49.655106 (karma: 0)
FEDORA-EPEL-2019-476f0d3c08 ejected from the push because "Cannot find relevant tag for python-pycxx-7.1.3-5.el7.  None of ['epel7', 'epel7-pending', 'epel7-override'] are in ['dist-6E-epel-testing', 'epel7-testing', 'dist-5E-epel-testing', 'f27-modular-updates-testing', 'f30-modular-updates-testing', 'f30-container-updates-testing', 'f30-flatpak-updates-testing', 'f28-modular-updates-testing', 'f28-container-updates-testing', 'epel8-testing', 'f31-modular-updates-testing', 'f32-container-updates-testing', 'f31-container-updates-testing', 'f31-flatpak-updates-testing', 'f29-modular-updates-testing', 'f29-container-updates-testing', 'f29-flatpak-updates-testing', 'f22-updates-testing', 'f21-updates-testing', 'f25-updates-testing', 'f24-updates-testing', 'f23-updates-testing', 'f26-updates-testing', 'f27-updates-testing', 'f30-updates-testing', 'f28-updates-testing', 'f31-updates-testing', 'f32-updates-testing', 'f29-updates-testing', 'epel8-modular-updates-testing']."


You don't have to do anything, this is an issue in fedora infrastructure.

There's some ongoing issues with bodhi and / or the fedora message queue so that some messages don't get passed around and then don't trigger the necessary actions in koji/bodhi.

If you look at, for example, the updates for rawhide (which should get created and pushed to stable and testing automatically), you'll see that for two days, things have not been working as they should, with most things still stuck in the pending state:


This is also the reason why there were no updates-testing composes for 30 and 31 since then.

I think this is the relevant infra Ticket:



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