Thank you all for the feedback,

Indeed the summary was a bit misleading, I forgot to change it after I listed the packages. I fixed it now.

I also added that maintainers should decide which spellchecker they prefer and migrate to that one (hunspell is not mandatory).

On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 9:48 AM Barry <> wrote:

On 28 May 2023, at 15:44, Sam Varshavchik <> wrote:

Hunspell does not have a functionally-equivalent C++ API. It has a C++ API of its own, but it's targeted at applications that come with their own language dictionaries. Its C++ API is, basically, a lookup function against a dictionary file that the application also supplies, it does not have a C++ API that offers a convenient way for applications to run a spell check against the system's default dictionary. The way for an application to do it is to have it run hunspell itself separately, and talk to it via pipes. Hopefully, it's easy for the application to do that without leaking other file descriptors.

I found the hunspell C++ API usable. See for an example.


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Lukáš Javorský

Software Engineer, Core service - Databases

Red Hat

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