On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 4:35 PM Ben Cotton <bcotton@redhat.com> wrote:
With today's Beta release, the release announcement post for Fedora
Magazine was not ready. As a result, the announcement went out a
little late and then only due to a drop-everything effort (thanks,
stickster!). We have a proposal to add a fourth criterion for the
Go/No-Go decision, beginning with F29 Final:

4. The release announcement post for Fedora Magazine is substantially complete
I dont think its a good idea, for the reasons Kevin has mentioned. Also, if the article
is not ready and thats the only criteria that is not satisfied, we will just punt the decision
to Friday (which happened before) since no one likes to block the release on it.

I guess we can just consider as a soft criteria and if its not ready, we will just ask
people to help marketing team and get the article ready by Friday or Monday.

As a reminder, these are the existing criteria:

1. No remaining blocker bugs
2. Release candidate compose is available
3. Test matrices for [milestone = Alpha, Beta, Final] are fully completed

Ben Cotton
Fedora Program Manager
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