2014-02-28 0:21 GMT+01:00 Chris Murphy <lists@colorremedies.com>:
> 15:48:19 <mitr> (Again, having a per-directory instead of per-user quotas would be rather beneficial here)

A related item that came up is quotas. XFS supports project quotas. So that's possible in the case where you're on the fence if something should have a separate LV. Project quotas were just proposed as an ext4 feature last month.

Interesting; that means that having a single / partition can be an universal default, instead of supporting / recommending separate /tmp and /var/log.  [1] says that group and project quotas are mutually exclusive, though; is it reasonable to effectively say "you may not be able set quotas for group storage, unless the group owns a single subdirectory tree?"

[1] https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Storage_Administration_Guide/xfsquota.html