On Wed, 15 May 2024 at 04:09, Vít Ondruch <vondruch@redhat.com> wrote:

Every time I bring up such discussion, I am told "the reason it is
called python3 and not python is well know" and yes, it is know to some,
including me. But advocating for less experienced users. I advocating
for users which are not experts on Python ecosystem. I am advocating for

Going from the convention I am finding on my MacOS-X brew and the Windows box.. the convention is some variant of calling both the command and package some variant of python3. Brew only gives you a python3 command and will say the package is some name like python@3.<version>-3.<version>. Windows does have a python package but also calls it python3 in places. 

Also going from things I run into regularly.. python2 is still the most used language in many places with it being provided as /usr/local/bin/python or some other variant. Scripts which call /usr/bin/python are still mostly python2 scripts and will break if run with python3 on the first `print ""` statement or some other thing. 

With EL7 and similar long lived python2 distributions going EOL this year.. I expect that this python2 will start to move, but I figure we are still a decade out (going from how long I was dealing with perl4 after perl5 had been out). 

I am trying to demonstrate that things should be obvious. There is
"Python" language. Not "Python 3" language. There is e.g.
https://www.python.org/ not https://www.python3.org/ etc.

Therefore, I'd rather hear "you are right, that does not make too much
sense (these days). It is confusing and it is about the time to make the
things right (finally)". In your words "We are in 2024, so I suppose we
could rename everything python3 to python now" is what I would appreciate.


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