Or use Fedora Copr to create personal repos for your projects.  There is a lot of utility in doing that,
esp.  when you start dealing with multiple boxes or vms.  Doing local installs directly from rpms does
not scale and becomes tedious very quickly.  If you're writing or modifying the spec yourself, try Copr.


On Saturday, September 23, 2017 9:52 AM, Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 09:47:15PM -0400, David Muse wrote:
> But, when doing a yum localinstall or dnf install with a local path,
> the user has to either install all rpm's or manually resolve
> dependencies.
> Is it common to specify inter-subpackage dependencies using Requires
> to resolve this, or are users just on their own if they're
> installing packages manually?

You should certainly use inter-subpackage requires in any case, if they
are genuine. But that won't help DNF (or Yum), as with local install
they only know about the files they are told about. But, what you
*could* do is:

1. run "createrepo_c" on your directory of downloaded RPMs,
2. use `dnf --repofrompath local,.`, and then
3. use `dnf install packagename`

In step 1, createrepo_c is a drop-in but faster replacement for

In step 2, the syntax is "--repofrompath made-reponame,path", so you
could do '--repofrompath "My Repository",/home/mattdm/Downloads/RPMs'.

In step 3, use the package name not the file name, so no .rpm on the

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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