On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 12:46 PM Sandro <lists@penguinpee.nl> wrote:
On 05-04-2024 23:45, Aoife Moloney wrote:
> == Summary ==
> Update to a new upstream release of pytest that is not completely
> compatible with previous releases. Pytest 8 is a major upstream
> release removing a lot of deprecated functions and introducing
> breaking changes.

I was wondering how this will pan out with the introduction of Python
3.13, which is also planned for F41 and comes with its own set of
breaking changes. Some of those affecting tests.

The current test builds are run against Python 3.12. Will all Python
packages also be tested against Python 3.13 with pytest 8 later on? Does
that even make sense?

I dug up some numbers.

1769 packages depends on pytest
- 138 fails with pytest 8 and python 3.12
- 1631 builds with pytest 8 and python 3.12
    - 1294 were attempted to build with python 3.13 (either succesfully or unsuccesfully)
        - 61 packages failed with either (python 3.13) or (python 3.12 and pytest 8)
    - 337 weren't attempted yet to build with python 3.13 (probably missing dependencies)

I am aware it's not ideal to test against 3.12, but right now it's our best option since a lot of packages are still missing dependencies in python 3.13 copr.

Anyway, it's two major updates affecting the Python ecosystem, which are
both aiming at F41. Maybe letting the dust settle on Python 3.13 first
and then updating pytest to the next major release will let package
maintainers (and upstream) focus more. Just some food for thought.

The priority is to deliver python 3.13. I want to ship pytest after python 3.13 mass rebuild to avoid disruptions on that front. Until then I want to open bugzillas to notify maintainers and backport patches if available. There is also an option to introduce pytest 7 compat package in case of a high number of broken packages before Beta Freeze. We should have roughly 2 months between the end of python 3.13 mass rebuild and Beta Freeze to decide on how to proceed.

-- Sandro
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