2008/7/18 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com>:
David Nielsen (gnomeuser@gmail.com) said:
> > I'm expecting the next beta of Mono to hit the servers today. There are
> > quite a few changes since 1.9.1-2, so please be aware that things may be
> > broken and need rebuilding.
> >
> > Sorry about that. In the words of the good book "Normal service will be
> > resumed just as soon as we know what normal is anyway"
> >
> > Also, please note that as of Mono 2.0, the licence changes to MIT rather
> > that the mix and match that it currently is. This is happening right
> > across the mono family as of version 2 (though probably not for the
> > likes of gtk-sharp2 and gnome-sharp)
> Rock.. are you planning to push all of this to F8/F9 once it settles down?

I can't imagine breaking the entire ABI and licensing of mono in released
distros is a *good* thing. Especially Fedora 8.

If we can manage to push it out as one big update, then I don't see how having the same mono stack, with all the fixes that has gone into Mono 2.0 would be a bad thing.