On Tue, 9 May 2023, 17:51 Kevin Fenzi, <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
Just a general answer/info here at the bottom of the thread...

I realize our container build pipeline is not great, but it's currently
working and I will keep it working until we replace it.

I agree we should replace it, and there's lots of options, but I don't
think this thread is the place to go back and forth about them.

I know of at least kiwi, osbuild, some other build systems that don't
fully exist yet, switching to use quay.io, osbs2 (based on openshift4),
and probibly others.

I also agree that we should replace it but that's not an easy task unfortunately. 
My understanding of osbuild is that it focuses on base images and not layered images so that probably would not be a good candidate for replacing OSBS. I might also be wrong :-)

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