Hi David:

Have you received an indication from anyone to do this? I would like to help test it; how am I to get it off the site using Google-Chrome?

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:58 AM, David Timms <dtimms@iinet.net.au> wrote:
Hi, It appears Audacity is getting close to v2 release (it's been in 1.3 beta mode for a few years).

I've built the current svn release as 2.0.0.alpha... , and request anyone with audio hardware who would like to help to download and install it to check whichever functions you feel like testing operate as expected.

build: {rawhide}, also runs on F16 OK.


Any crash/exceptions definitely report in bugzilla.

Cheers, David Timms.

ps. An ffmpeg & mp3 version should be ready @RPM Fusion in a few days.
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