I think you are right Martin. Blender has no runtime settings that I am aware of for codecs. 
- Mehdi 

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019, 4:19 PM Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com> wrote:
On Fri, 2019-11-01 at 00:51 +0000, long27km wrote:
Why isn't there an option to install other repos codecs and impls ( i know the technical answer) ? I thought Fedora was now supposed to be focused on being developer friendly. Dev's could just install another distro of the os that allows licenses like debian/ubuntu... except maybe I still would anyway since I'd have less trouble with those repos recently (re: x64 requires flatpak/winepak). These growing pains are understandable, but this is getting to be a bigger issue if we cannot simply install and use the tools we need.
As I understand this (and actual Blender maintainers & other more knoledgable pepople plese correct me if I am completely wrong) this is due to an architectural limitation of Blender - you either build against ffmpeg at build time and have multimedia support or not build against ffmpeg and don't have multimedia support. Basically there is no runtime plugin support, like in other applications that can use Gstreamer and other mechanisms to query available codecs and use them if they are installed.

IIRC Blender is not the only affected application, some even have ffmpeg as a hard dependency and can't be thus packaged for main Fedora repos at all.

In any case, adding plugin support is on most if not all such cases a signifficant undertaking - unlikely something Fedora maintainers of such package can pull off, not to mention upstream potetially not being interested in accepting to such patches, that effectively increase their
maintenance bruden by adding another codepath for codec handling.

From: Luya Tshimbalanga <luya@fedoraproject.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 4:58 PM
To: devel@lists.fedoraproject.org <devel@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Re: Blender for Fedora 31 does not support multimedia?

Blender in Fedora repository is built with ffpmeg support disabled by default for legal reasons. Negativo which is one of co-maintainers provides nearly identical version with FFmpeg enabled accessible via fedora-multimedia branch.


Make sure to keep that repo disabled to avoid conflict with rpmfusion.


On 2019-10-31 11:09 a.m., Code Zombie wrote:
Thanks Luya,
I have all ffmpeg and gstreamer codecs installed. However, I think blender was installed by OpenShot before I actually installed ffmpeg and gstreamer codecs.
So, it might be the reason why it does not play videos or music. But, reinstalling blender didn't help. Never had this issue before.
- Mehdi

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 11:26 AM Luya Tshimbalanga <luya@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On 2019-10-31 5:05 a.m., Code Zombie wrote:
> Hi
> It seems that Blender 2.8 on Fedora 31 does not support sound and
> video playback and export.
> Does anyone have the same issue? Is that normal on Fedora 31?
> - Mehdi
Hello Mehda,

Blender requires ffmpeg which cannot be legally included in Fedora
repository to effectively use multimedia due to US patents law. One of
best approach is either get ffmpeg without the offending codecs or
enable an alternative like gstreamer which is beyond the scope of
packaging process.

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