 I would be interested for the following :
1) minirpc
2) htmldoc [ if available ].
I am a newebie member of fedora dev, but could not contribute till now, due to my professional work load. Guess this would be a good chance, if given.
Please let me know, if any concerns. If possible, please let me know the wiki link for the same, so that i can start.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:05 AM, Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) <forum@ru.bir.ru> wrote:
Adam Goode пишет:


My life is about to get very busy (twins on the way), so I want to make sure I at least have co-maintainers for all (or most) of my packages. Anyone interested?

escape -- puzzle game
I add himself. I believe can be helpfully.