Shiver me timbers!
It's time for another Beefy Test Day, Argh!  Tomorrow, 13 March, is the USB 3.0 Test Day!

Testing is easy; just use your favourite up-to-date Fedora 17 image (Live or Install); everything
is included!  The testing will require that you have some sort of USB 3.0 hardware to plug into
your box.  The Wiki page delves deeper into how and what to test.  The maintainers and some
of the usual crew will be hanging out in #fedora-test-day and #fedora-qa.  Ping anyone in either
of those channels if you require assistance.

To recap for those of you too busy trying to deliver the pizza before the Ninjas:

What:  USB 3.0
When:  All day 03/13
Where:  #fedora-test-day

Captain John.