I am using SELinux from fedora core 6 and I its working fine. I have installed many packages through yum and its also fine. Though whenever I installed a fedora or red hat based os then I change the selinux to permissive after the first time installation.

Gopal Das

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 4:50 AM, Mark <markg85@gmail.com> wrote:

I just installed the Fedora 9 Beta release and am doing a full system
update as we speak.
While downloading the updates nothing is wrong.. it just downloads and
that's it. But when installing the updates i get a ton of selinux
notices!! and this is just a default Fedora 9 beta followed by a yum
-y update.

Also another issue that i noticed was when looking at a flash
animation in firefox.. when i want to play the animation selinux
(again) drops in and tells me i can't. (or i need to run a command to
get it working).

Now i've tried to run selinux on Fedora 7 and 8 for as long as
possible just to see how long i can get around it.. i did some
commands in that time as well but i always end up with disabling

I have no idea how other users are using fedora in a normal every day
usage without disabling selinux.. i agree that a firewall should be in
linux but selinux just doesn't seem mature yet (if it will ever be).
Perhaps it's time to start considering to turn off selinux and remove
it out of the fedora kernel completely? As long as it's blaming here
when i install updates or simply browse the web than selinux gets shut
down completely!

So.. how are you doing this?

Btw.. justging from the selinux stats here:
http://smolts.org/static/stats/stats.html it says that nearly 50%
(48.4%) is turning off selinux. And my guess is that all fedora
servers keep it on making up the other 50%.

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