
I am trying to package STLPlus (sourceforge.net/projects/stlplus/files/stlplus3/) library for fedora. There are few doubts I have in mind regarding packaging it.

1. The library is dependent on another project viz. 'makefiles' (http://sourceforge.net/projects/stlplus/files/makefiles/). This project is also distributed in a separate tar ball. This project only contains few helper files that are included by the STLPlus library's makefile (Hence, STLPlus requires this package for build only). Other projects can also make use of this project to write their makefiles quickly. I think makefiles project is more generic and not quite specific to STLPlus, hence must be packaged separately. Is it right to package it separately ? Though I understand that 'makefiles' name is too general and should be renamed to something else may be ?

2. Re. Location of 'makefiles' project : Since, it only contains few helper files, I am wondering what would be the best location for installing these files ? datadir ? libdir ?