Hello all,

While I have an interesting bug in Dnfdragora, I don't think it's super urgent, so if you want, we can skip this week and have a meeting the other week?
I have one or two other little issues I'd like to discuss, but again nothing to die for.

Kind regards,
FAS:  Lailah

On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 at 06:52, Adam Williamson <adamwill@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hi folks! (Yep, I'm back from vacation). I'm proposing we cancel the QA
meeting tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for the great job in getting
Fedora 29 released last week! As that's done, and there's no other
pressing business I'm aware of, I figured we all deserve a break :)

There are currently several issues with Rawhide - composes are broken,
and the last few composes that completed had a major bug (anaconda
wouldn't start). There's work in progress on all of those issues, so
hopefully we'll get some working composes next week, and the first
Fedora 30 validation event.

If anyone's concerned about how the Big News affects us - well, so far
the answer is "it's kinda too soon to know anything for sure, but for
the immediate future, not at all". Who knows whether anything will
change in the long term, but so far we've had no indication anything is
changing wrt Fedora or Fedora QA in the short to medium term. We can
certainly talk about it more at next week's meeting, but to be honest,
that's all the information we have for now.

Thanks again, everyone!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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