On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 3:27 PM John Harris <johnmh@splentity.com> wrote:
On Tuesday, August 27, 2019 6:18:41 AM MST Christian Glombek wrote:
> Right now, one can do something like `dnf
> --installroot=/mnt/new-buildah-root group install custom-environment`
> to create a root for a container and installed group may include a package
> manager or not.

This would install `rpm` and `dnf` at the very least, and would most likely
pull in many other supporting packages, unless something has changed since the
last release, like checking against the string "buildah" or something like

That would really depend on the contents of that custom group, but you can install a set of packages that way as well, as you would usually.
AIUI reducing the number of packages pulled in by dependency resolving is another one of the aims of this effort for Fedora packages.