> I'm just wondering whether the name suffix is the right place to put "flatpak" as if it were a subpackage - can we use the dist tag instead, say `fi39` for "fedora immutable based on fedora 39" or something like that? Or `fp39` for `fedora flatpak ...`?

The main difference is what happens when you type firefox into koji - do you see

  firefox-112.0.2-1.fc38     [the RPM]
  firefox-112.0.2-1.flatpak     [the Flatpak]

Or do you just see the RPM build  and you have to type firefox-flatpak to see the container build? Which one is clearer? Which one is most useful? I don't honestly have a big opinion here. I'll bring this and some other naming issues up in the Fedora Flatpaks SIG next Monday.

- Owen

On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 7:44 AM Michael J Gruber <mjg@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Makes a lot of sense and improves the information value of the version greatly.

I'm just wondering whether the name suffix is the right place to put "flatpak" as if it were a subpackage - can we use the dist tag instead, say `fi39` for "fedora immutable based on fedora 39" or something like that? Or `fp39` for `fedora flatpak ...`?
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