Dne 08. 12. 22 v 17:52 Adam Williamson napsal(a):
No, and we're looking at splitting those out, but the fact is they are
a tiny amount of the overall firmware collection. You could even argue
either way for something like bluetooth due to it sometimes being used
by keyboards.
We actually already strip a lot of those in lorax. 
then, in cleanup, we wipe a bunch of files that have not yet been split
out from linux-firmware but which we know the installer env doesn't


Thanks for the links. Putting aside the installer image... the firmware files mentioned in last link are not so small:

[msuchy@dri//tmp/linux-firmware-20221109-144.fc38.noarch]$ du -hc usr/lib/firmware/dvb* usr/lib/firmware/*_12mhz* usr/lib/firmware/v4l* usr/lib/firmware/brcm/BCM-* usr/lib/firmware/ttusb-
budget/dspbootcode.bin* usr/lib/firmware/emi26/* usr/lib/firmware/emi62/* usr/lib/firmware/cpia2/* usr/lib/firmware/dabusb/* usr/lib/firmware/vicam/* usr/lib/firmware/dsp56k/* usr/lib/firmw
are/sun/* usr/lib/firmware/av7110/* usr/lib/firmware/usbdux* usr/lib/firmware/f2255usb.bin* usr/lib/firmware/lgs8g75.fw*  usr/lib/firmware/tlg2300_firmware.bin* usr/lib/firmware/s5p-mfc* us
r/lib/firmware/go7007/* usr/lib/firmware/intel/IntcSST2.bin* usr/lib/firmware/intel/fw_sst* usr/lib/firmware/intel/dsp* usr/lib/firmware/as102* usr/lib/firmware/qcom/apq8096/* usr/lib/firmw
are/qcom/sdm845/* usr/lib/firmware/qcom/sm8250/* usr/lib/firmware/qcom/venus*/* usr/lib/firmware/qcom/vpu*/* usr/lib/firmware/meson/vdec/* usr/lib/firmware/phanfw.bin*

28M     total

This is about 20 % of size of linux-firmware package. Can this be moved to to separate subpackage?