Not quoting anything in particular, just my opinion and a +1.

Being a solid Gen X'er I'm comfortable in both worlds. I will say that I've found the large volume of emails between Fedora and MythTV (though it's slowed in the last few years) occasionally overwhelming.

The first thing I do almost every morning (still in my PJs with a cup of coffee) is to go through all the threads, archive what I'm not interested in, but keep just in case, and read the others.

In my work world I frequently find myself in Discourse (or similar) forums, and I find it easy enough to find what I'm looking for, or if there's new threads or replies to threads I've posted to (usually at the top).

A few months ago I spent a few hours cleaning up old emails in gmail because google (the search engine) lies. I perfected a query to only return list emails older than 1 year but even though I checked "include all emails" it would only delete about 500 at a time. Took a while to work through my 10+ year history as a packager 500 emails at a time!

The reality is the future potential contributors are used to tools like Discourse. That's fine. I'll adapt. 
