Dne 19. 12. 19 v 10:36 Jeff Fearn napsal(a):
On 19/12/2019 6:31 pm, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 19. 12. 19 v 0:29 Jeff Fearn napsal(a):
On 19/12/19 01:00, David Cantrell wrote:
On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 01:00:03PM +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Just FTR, for Red Hat Software Collections, we are (ab)using "Version"
BZ field to track the SCL version (e.g. [1]), which in module
terminology resembles stream. Maybe we could reuse something similar for
modules in Fedora.
I think Fedora would have to do something like that to indicate module
ownership in a bug.  The Version field requires BZ maintenance for that
which could mean that each module version would need a new entry in that
list.  At least that's how I understand that BZ field the last time I
at it.

We could come up with syntax and place it in one of the Whiteboard fields.
Something like module=eclipse;ver=X.Y.Z

That would probably get ugly real fast.
The version field is for the version of the product the bug is in, it
shouldn't be abused for things that aren't that.

A couple of alternative approaches:

1: A new custom field with the modules/streams in it. User opens bug
against component, maintainer sets the CF if required.

Pros: Easy to use. Could be a multi-select if it affects multiple streams.

Cons: Might not scale to a large number of module streams. Doesn't allow
automated change of assignee/etc. Not easy to limit CF values to
specific components.

2: Use sub-components for the modules/streams. User opens a bug against
the component and the maintainer can move the bug to a module sub
component if required.

Are sub-components used in our BZ already? Do you have some example?
RHEL has been using them for a long time for the kernel, but a less
dramatic example is the Bugzilla product.


Interesting. Thx for the example. Not that it makes the decision which way would I prefer any easier ;)


Cheers, Jeff.

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