Basically, the issue on the announcement is that is tight to the Talking Points, and almost any team is helping us with that. The Marketing task is to collect the Talking Points, not to create them, because we aren't the people that work on the new features and the stuff that make the release awesome, having no talking points create the delay we had today with the Beta Announcement, because we basically have based the announcement on the change set, that doesn't necessarily provide good context for general users on how that is good for the distro. It will be sad to delay the release one week only for the announcement, I know, but we at least need a way to engage teams to work on the Talking Points.


El mar., 25 de sep. de 2018 18:25, Kevin Fenzi <> escribió:
On 09/25/2018 01:35 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:
> With today's Beta release, the release announcement post for Fedora
> Magazine was not ready. As a result, the announcement went out a
> little late and then only due to a drop-everything effort (thanks,
> stickster!). We have a proposal to add a fourth criterion for the
> Go/No-Go decision, beginning with F29 Final:
> 4. The release announcement post for Fedora Magazine is substantially complete
> As a reminder, these are the existing criteria:
> 1. No remaining blocker bugs
> 2. Release candidate compose is available
> 3. Test matrices for [milestone = Alpha, Beta, Final] are fully completed

I'm prefer to add a new milestone of 'day before release' and put it
there. I think after the 'go' some folks who would be helpful in making
the announcement have more time to devote to it. Also, it would seem sad
to me to be 'go' except for an announcement, and slip a week.


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