I have a problem on RHL 9 (didn't check with Severn yet):
In rc.sysinit LVM activation is done on 2 places with a comment for the second time "it could be on top of RAID". This is correct, but the RAID volumes are *only* started if they appear in /etc/fstab (without noauto), so RAID volumes used in LVM will never be started, and 2nd take of LVM initialization will never have any effect!
I see at least that it is not working in a case I have here, and looking at the rc.sysinit script I think this will never work. Is this indeed the case?
I'll look at Severn later today and bugzilla it.
-- -- Jos Vos jos@xos.nl -- X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV | Phone: +31 20 6938364 -- Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Fax: +31 20 6948204