In one week, 2023-08-29, I plan to update llhttp from 8.1.1 to 9.0.1 in F40/Rawhide[1]. This update contains some breaking API changes and breaks the ABI, bumping the SONAME version[2][3]. Most significantly, the compile-time LLHTTP_STRICT_MODE option is replaced with three new runtime flags.
The sole dependent package is python-aiohttp; I will rebuild it myself in a side tag, using a patch for llhttp 9.x support backported from an unreleased upstream commit[4].
I don’t plan to apply the python-aiohttp patch and the llhttp 9.0.1 update to F39 at this time, with the understanding that this will constrain future python-aiohttp updates in F39: I would prefer to avoid getting ahead of upstream. I might reconsider this if an upstream release of python-aiohttp using llhttp 9.x happens by the end of the beta freeze, or if someone convinces me that keeping llhttp at 8.1.1 is the wrong approach. Input is welcome.
In one week, 2024-08-25, I plan to update python-aiohttp from 3.9.5 to 3.10.3[1] in F42/Rawhide and in F41/Branched. As noted in [2], there are some breaking API changes from 3.9.x to 3.10.x, so I have no plans to update F40, F39, or EPEL9.
A COPR impact check[3] did not reveal any incompatibilities, except for one minor adjustment that will be needed in python-opentelemetry-contrib[4]. I will merge that PR and build it at the same time.