Hi folks,

A couple folks responded, and I have set up an initial meeting for next week Tuesday June 22nd at 1400UTC. Please reply if you are interested and I will add you to the meeting invite. 

Have a great weekend!


Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 6:31 PM Marie Nordin <mnordin@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Folks,

The D&I team met today and the topic of Fedora Week of Diversity came up [0]. We have a very nice starting plan for the transition from Fedora Womens Day to the more inclusive Fedora Week of Diversity (same acronym tho :) FWD). We spent some time at the recent D&I F2F [1] discussing what this would look like and we have a ticket tracking our plans/discussions [2]. 

The next steps are going to take more than coordination in our bi-weekly meetings. We need a couple volunteers to form a temporary working group that will ensure the success of this new & exciting initiative. As I am writing up this email, I remember bcottons new Program Management Team and how he has a lot of folks interested but not many projects yet, so I opened a ticket over there to get some pgm support [3]. I am also willing to pitch in, especially with design coordination. 

If you are interested in being part of the working group OR just want to be a part of the planning/discussion, please respond to this whenisgood: https://whenisgood.net/fwd_wg_meeting we'd love to have you!



Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor