HI everybody!
I have the new fedora and my boot in that vesa mode is slow...
how i can fix this?
Thanks!! quantumbit (RS, BRAZIL)
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I have just implemented RFE #106688
(http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=106688) in CVS head
to allow screenshots to be created in firstboot. I'm sending this to
fedora-docs-list so that if anyone needs to create firstboot
screenshots, this will help out a lot.
All you have to do is press <Ctrl><PrintScr> for each screen that you
want to capture. The image will be saved in
/tmp/firstboot-screenshots/. This feature will appear in Fedora Core 2.
i translate Docuementation-guide for korean language.
these xml files have euc-kr encoding format.
if you want use. convert those to UTF-8 before make.
but these documents was not clearly translated yet.
i'm not sure those.
also i don't have write permision of CVS. i just post
only URL
of my works.
HwaSeop, Keum
예쁜 편지지에 메일을 보내세요 - 야후! 메일
신차,중고차,직거래 매물이 한자리에 - 야후! 자동차
When viewing the documentation-guide's html with a browser, it renders
fine. But when I move that directory behind a URL served up by Apache,
it doesn't. A screenshot of this behavior is here:
It appears that Apache is not able to render some of the characters as
noted by the black boxes that appear. Any ideas?
Scott Gose
Hi all,
Please let me remind the steps for software translation.
Go to;
Before you can start;
- Checkout translate/ directory to update.
- You can check the status at:
- Declair the po file_name which you are going to start at this ML, so
that other translators would not touch.
"eg, I will start the file, translate/anaconda/anaconda-po/ja.po. Pls
let me know if someone already is working on."
- Commit the file. $cvs commit -m '<your message>' file_name.po
- Advise your completion at this ML.
You have to checkout just before starting translation, the files have
been kept updating.
Please commit the file frequently even if you still are working on it,
especially for larger file.
(eg, cvs commit -m 'translating...' file_name.po)
Because engineer may touch the file and commit while you are working,
and then you will have conflict.
You can commit as much as you like.
For this reason, it is recommended that you will declair only one file
for translation at a time.