* Full legal name : Robert Auger
* City, Country : St Germain en Laye (78), France, Europe
* Profession or Student status : IT Infrastructure Consultant
* Company : SOGETI France
* Your goals in the Fedora Project
* Contribute, if possible and if I can to the “end-user”
* Work as a french translator
* Edit for grammar/writing and/or technical accuracy, if I
* Historical qualifications
* I work as an information systems architect for a large
consulting company in France
* GPG KEYID and fingerprint
[bobygerm@stgerm ~]$ gpg --fingerprint C06207CB
pub 1024D/C06207CB 2006-12-08
Empreinte de la clé = 2472 DB41 22B9 50B9 5BFE 3948 BA81 1B1D C062
uid Robert Auger <bobygerm(a)gmail.com>
sub 1024g/96EB41D9 2006-12-08