Yes, I would definitely like to help with that. I’ll take a look at that quick docs page. I’ll start with installing Fedora with Orca, as there are things that a new user will have to do, like exPortbbing environment vars for accessibility, which is not well-documented anywhere really, and turning on "assistive technology" support.

On July 25, 2021 9:51:08 AM Ankur Sinha <> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 09:28:53 -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
Hello all,

Hi Devin,

I'm Devin, a pretty new Fedora user, but have been using Linux off and on for a
few years now. I'm also blind, using the Orca screen reader for a lot of web
and email stuff, along with Emacs and Emacspeak for most writing tasks.
I'd like to help with documentation and anything else really, as Fedora has a
lot of documentation on Emacs with Emacspeak. While that's great, it's far
easier for beginners to use Orca with Fedora's Mate spin, and use Firefox and
other GTK and a few QT programs, than it is to start out with Emacs and Gnus
and such.

I haven't found any centralised documentation on accessibility in Fedora
yet (probably because all the desktop environments are sort of supposed
to have their own documentation upstream?).  I see that the
accessibility guide used to be part of the docs before, but hasn't been
there in recent releases:

I did find a wiki page that has some information, but it's quite out of date:

Would you like to write up some documentation pages on Orca and
Emacspeak, perhaps for the quick-docs to begin with?

The sources are here:

We follow the pull request model for new contributions, and there are
lots of folks around to help with writing and reviewing tasks.

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) |
Time zone: Europe/London