Just a congratulations for a great release note
Here is a comment for web page http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/release-notes/en-US/sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Sysadmin.html
For a first time user, or a system administrator new to Fedora, He will ask "what is a kickstart" file.  Perhaps there should be a reference to its construction or how it is used. It is an idea for Fedora 20.
In section 2.3.1 inside the box, previously we had in bold "dracut --regenerate-all --force".  Being bold made it a good eye-catcher.  Any chance bold it?
Ignore my yesterday's comment about boost. Yesterday the links to boost libraries produced a 404 error (no host). Today that server is up and the links are satisfied. 

2.8.1. MariaDB

Fedora 19 features MariaDB, an improved and more open fork of MySQL with a thriving community. 
The "with a thriving community" should be removed.  Does "thriving community" refer to MySQL or to MariaDB?
In the 4.2.3. MEMSTOMP section, what is DSO?  The only idea I came up with was "Dynamic Storage Optimisation".


The notes are really nice. Now to review the french versions. (grin)

Mr. Leslie Satenstein
An experienced Information Technology specialist.
Yesterday was a good day, today is a better day,
and tomorrow will be even better.
alternative: leslie.satenstein@gmail.com