On May 13, 2015 1:25 PM, "Matthew Miller" <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Okay, so, someone asked me about the freeze and how that relates to
> release notes.
> I found
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_notes_process#The_Process
> which seems basically sane. But I also found
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Freezes#What_changes_are_affected_by_the_string_freeze.3F
> which states explicitly that it convers release notes, and gives an
> exception policy here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Software_String_Freeze_Policy
> which also doesn't sound completely off base, except that the string
> freeze is nominally at the same time as the *alpha* freeze, which seems
> significantly early (halfway through the six month release cycle) for
> meaningful release notes.
> What's the deal here — is some of this out of date and due for a
> revision?
> --
> Matthew Miller
> <mattdm@fedoraproject.org>
> Fedora Project Leader
> --

We've been quite lax about this.  The best resource is probably the docs tasks schedule maintained by jreznik, but in a practical sense, we work on RNs until we're burned out on them, without really honoring a 'freeze'.  It's probably not the best approach, but it is a best-effort strategy that makes good use of limited volunteer cycles.  As you say, things happen or are discovered late in the cycle that we want to cover.

The translation teams have been very good about jumping on POTs when they're pushed out (and yes, that needs to be refreshed ASAP, sorry).  Docs stops pulling strings and publishing translations when the translation teams stop asking us to - no formal hard stop is enforced, except perhaps a release EOL.  Otherwise, a bz ticket or IRC poke or whatever makes it happen; some teams even publish themselves.

The one thing people really have to watch for is the wiki freeze, around Beta release day.  Once we start final markup, it's more work to monitor and maintain continuity between content in two places.

Also, yes, many docs contributor facing wiki pages are stale.  It's on a list...

