Now is your final time to get your release note requests in for Fedora Core 4.
Current version of the release notes is available here:
This version is in plain text.
Here is how you can send in release notes:
* Use this pre-filled bugzilla template (preferred method):
-- OR --
* Send email with details to .
The latter will likely have a bug created to track discussion and resolution. Please file a bug instead in the first place.
Release notes are now being handled by a team through the Fedora Documentation Project. Individuals or small groups handle a particular relnotes beat.
Your note will be assigned to a writer on your beat.
All release note requests are available through the tracking bugzilla number:
You can read more about the beats, which are subject to change as we develop this process. Note that many of the current writers are temporary assignments only.
We are looking for ongoing relnotes beat writers. If you or anyone else is interested, please visit:
Thanks - Karsten
Just a quick top post. Anyone who has volunteered or been coerced ;-) into helping with the release notes project, please do the following:
1. In, add under "Users to watch:"
2. Take a look at the dependency tree to see the open bugs (URL below)
3. If one is within your beat, make a note in the bug that you are writing it up and work on the content
I'm working on the XML skeleton for the release notes. If anyone has seen XML files that are Fedora release notes specific, let me know where they are.
Watch the f-d-commits list for the XML skeleton, I'll also send an announcement here when it is ready.
- Karsten
On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 15:23 -0700, Karsten Wade wrote:
Now is your final time to get your release note requests in for Fedora Core 4.
Current version of the release notes is available here:
This version is in plain text.
Here is how you can send in release notes:
- Use this pre-filled bugzilla template (preferred method):
-- OR --
- Send email with details to .
The latter will likely have a bug created to track discussion and resolution. Please file a bug instead in the first place.
Release notes are now being handled by a team through the Fedora Documentation Project. Individuals or small groups handle a particular relnotes beat.
Your note will be assigned to a writer on your beat.
All release note requests are available through the tracking bugzilla number:
You can read more about the beats, which are subject to change as we develop this process. Note that many of the current writers are temporary assignments only.
We are looking for ongoing relnotes beat writers. If you or anyone else is interested, please visit:
Thanks - Karsten
fedora-devel-list mailing list
Uttered Karsten Wade, spake thus:
Watch the f-d-commits list for the XML skeleton, I'll also send an announcement here when it is ready.
I've taken the liberty of constructing a Makefile for this, since I knew you were busy this week. If you'd like, I'll commit it.
Lemme know.
On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 12:28 -0500, Tommy Reynolds wrote:
Uttered Karsten Wade, spake thus:
Watch the f-d-commits list for the XML skeleton, I'll also send an announcement here when it is ready.
I've taken the liberty of constructing a Makefile for this, since I knew you were busy this week. If you'd like, I'll commit it.
I just added the old Makefile as 'Makefile.old'. Only a portion of it is of real interest to us, for the 'files' target, but the rest may have some value.
Go ahead and check in the version you made, and we'll see if anything in the .old is worth carrying into the Makefile.
thx - Karsten