I suppose since these are commented out they don't affect anything except ... well, I can't figure what. I'm soooo curious, how do they make editing easier? Is it to keep track of the entities used?
BTW, I think your <screen> style is off from the style guidelines ...
Some of your check-ins have funky indenting ... the <para> content is two characters from the left. We all seem to have subtle differences. Not sure how to resolve that.
When I get a chance, I'm going to first reformat kernel.xml, then commit, then edit the content, all to make for a saner, happier diff.
This worked great, btw. Everyone formed like Voltron, really brought a lot of good content and shine to the relnotes.
- Karsten
On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 19:27 -0400, Tommy Reynolds wrote:
+<!-- $Id: --> +<!-- +<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN"
- "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
<!ENTITY BOILERPLATE "These FAKE ENTITIES are just to make editing easier" >
+]> --> +<section id="sn-kernel">
- Linux Kernel
<section id="sn-kernel-lotsa">
The &DISTRO; is based on a 2.6.11 kernel.
&FC; may include additional patches for improvements, bug fixes, or additional features.
For this reason, the &FC; kernel may not be line-for-line equivalent to the so-called vanilla kernel from the <ulink url="http://ww.kernel.org"><filename>kernel.org</filename></ulink> web site.
You may obtain a list of any such patches by using the command on the &FC; package:
- <screen width="56"><prompt>$ </prompt><command>rpm</command> <parameter class="option">-qpl</parameter> <filename>kernel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable><filename>.src.rpm</filename></screen>
<section id="sn-kernel-flavors">
<title>Kernel Flavors</title>
&FC; includes the following kernel builds:
Native kernel, in both uniprocessor and <abbrev>SMP</abbrev> varieties.
Configured sources are available in the <filename>kernel-devel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable><filename>.</filename><replaceable><arch></replaceable><filename>.rpm</filename> package.
Virtual kernel for use with the <wordasword>XEN</wordasword> emulator package.
Configured sources are available in the <filename>kernel-xen0-devel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable><filename>.</filename><replaceable><arch></replaceable><filename>.rpm</filename> package.
Sources for both kernel flavors may be installed at the same time.
The files will be installed into the <filename>/usr/src/kernels/</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable>[<filename>-xen0</filename>]<filename>-</filename><replaceable><arch></replaceable><filename>/</filename> tree.
Use the command:
- <screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>rpm</command> <parameter class="option">-Uvh</parameter> <filename>kernel-devel[-xen0]-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable><filename>.</filename><replaceable><arch></replaceable><filename>.rpm</filename></screen>
as appropriate.
<title>Following Generic Textbooks</title>
Many of the tutorials, examples, and textbooks about Linux kernel development assume the kernel sources are installed under the <filename>/usr/src/linux</filename> directory.
If you make a symbolic link, as shown below, you should be able to use those learning materials with the &FC; packages.
Install the appropriate kernel sources, as shown earlier, and then:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>ln</command> <parameter class="option">-s</parameter> <filename>/usr/src/kernels/kernel-</filename><replaceable><all-the-rest></replaceable> <filename>/usr/src/linux</filename></screen>
- <!--
<tip> <title>Using <command>yum</command> to Uninstall Kernel Packages</title> <para>
&FC; &LOCALVER; contains support for clustering systems using CMAN
and GFS. These kernels require assistance from some user-space
packages. These packages are not removed when using <command>rpm
-e</command> to uninstall older versions of the kernel packages.
&FC; &LOCALVER; contains support for clustering systems using CMAN and GFS.
These kernels require assistance from some user-space packages.
These packages are not removed when using <command>rpm -e</command> to uninstall older versions of the kernel packages.
</para> <para>
When using <command>rpm -e
- kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable></command> to
uninstall the kernel, you must also remove the assisting
user-space packages. You may wish to consider a dependecy
resolving tool such as <command>yum remove
- kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable></command>.
When using <command>rpm -e kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable> </command> to uninstall the kernel, you must also remove the assisting user-space packages. You may wish to consider a dependecy resolving tool such as <command>yum remove kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable> </command>. This automatically removes any dependant packages.
</para> </tip>
- In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a
- separate package for the kernel source code when that source code
- already exists in the kernel's <filename>.src.rpm</filename> file,
- &DISTRO; &DISTROVER; no longer includes the
- <filename>kernel-source</filename> package. Users that require
- access to the kernel sources can find them in the
- <filename>kernel</filename> <filename>.src.rpm</filename> file. To
- create an exploded source tree from this file, perform the following
- steps (note that
- <filename><replaceable><version></replaceable></filename>
- refers to the version specification for your currently-running
- kernel):
- Obtain the
- <filename>kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>.src.rpm</filename>
- file from one of the following sources:
The <filename>SRPMS</filename> directory on the appropriate
"SRPMS" CD iso image
The FTP site where you got the kernel package
By running the following command:
<command>up2date --get-source kernel</command>
- Install
- <filename>kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>.src.rpm</filename>
- (given the default RPM configuration, the files this package
- contains will be written to
- <filename>/usr/src/redhat/</filename>)
- Change directory to <filename>/usr/src/redhat/SPECS/</filename>,
- and issue the following command:
- <command>rpmbuild -bp
- (Where
- <command><replaceable><arch></replaceable></command> is
- the desired target architecture.)
- On a default RPM configuration, the kernel tree will be located
- in <filename>/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/</filename>.
- In the resulting tree, the configurations for the specific
- kernels shipped in &DISTRO; &DISTROVER; are in the
- <filename>/configs/</filename> directory. For example, the i686
- SMP configuration file is named
- <filename>/configs/kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>-i686-smp.config</filename>.
- Issue the following command to place the desired configuration
- file in the proper place for building:
- <command>cp <replaceable><desired-file></replaceable>
- Issue the following command:
- <command>make oldconfig</command>
- You can then proceed as usual.
- -->
<section id="sn-kernel-exploding">
Preparing for Kernel Development
&DISTRO; &DISTROVER; does not include the <filename>kernel-source</filename> package provided by older versions.
Instead, configured sources are available as described in <xref linkend="sn-kernel-flavors"/>.
Users that require access to &FC; original kernel sources can find them in the <filename>kernel</filename> <filename>.src.rpm</filename> package.
To create an exploded source tree from this file, perform the following steps:
<title>Source not required to build kernel modules</title>
<title>These Instructions Refer The Currently-running Kernel!</title>
To simplify the following directions, we have assumed that you want to configure the kernel sources to match your currently-running kernel.
In the steps below, you must understand that the phrase <wordasword><version></wordasword> refers to the kernel version shown by the:
- <screen width="56"><prompt>$ </prompt><command>uname</command> <parameter class="option">-r</parameter></screen>
<procedure id="sn-kernel-exploding-steps">
Obtain the <filename>kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>.src.rpm</filename> file from one of the following sources:
The <filename>SRPMS</filename> directory on the appropriate <wordasword>SRPMS</wordasword> <abbrev>CD</abbrev> <filename>iso</filename> image.
The FTP site where you got the kernel package.
By running the following command:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>up2date</command> <parameter class="option">--get-source</parameter> <filename>kernel</filename></screen>
Install <filename>kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>.src.rpm</filename> using the command:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>rpm</command> <parameter class="option">-Uvh</parameter> <filename>kernel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable><filename>.src.rpm</filename></screen>
This writes the <abbrev>RPM</abbrev> contents into <filename>/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES</filename> and <filename>/usr/src/redhat/SPECS</filename>.
Prepare the kernel sources using the commands:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>cd</command> <filename>/usr/src/redhat/SPECS</filename>
+<prompt># </prompt><command>rpmbuild</command> <parameter class="option">-bp --target $(arch)</parameter> <filename>kernel.spec</filename></screen>
The kernel source tree will be located in the <filename>/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable> directory.
It is common practice to move the resulting <filename>linux-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable> directory to the <filename>/usr/src</filename> tree; while not strictly necessary, we suggest that you do this to match the generally-available documentation.
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>cd</command> <filename>/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable> <filename>/usr/src/</filename>
+<prompt># </prompt><command>mv</command> <filename>linux-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable> <filename>/usr/src/</filename> +<prompt># </prompt><command>cd</command> <filename>/usr/src</filename> +<prompt># </prompt><command>ln</command> <parameter class="option">-s</parameter> <filename>./linux-</filename><replaceable><version></replaceable> <filename>linux</filename> +<prompt># </prompt><command>cd</command> <filename>/usr/src/linux</filename></screen>
The configurations for the specific kernels shipped in &DISTRO; &DISTROVER; are in the <filename>configs/</filename> directory.
For example, the i686 SMP configuration file is named <filename>configs/kernel-<replaceable><version></replaceable>-i686-smp.config</filename>.
Issue the following command to place the desired configuration file in the proper place for building:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>cp</command> <filename>configs/</filename><replaceable><desired-config-file></replaceable> <filename>.config</filename></screen>
Issue the following command:
<screen width="56"><prompt># </prompt><command>make oldconfig</command></screen>
You can then proceed as usual.
<section id="sn-kernel-3rdparty">
<title>Building Only Kernel Modules</title> <para>
An exploded source tree is <emphasis>not</emphasis> required to
build kernel modules against the currently in-use kernel.
An exploded source tree is <emphasis>not</emphasis> required to build a kernel module, such as your own device driver, against the currently in-use kernel.
</para> <para>
For example, to build the <filename>foo.ko</filename> module,
create the following file (named <filename>Makefile</filename>) in
the directory containing the <filename>foo.c</filename> file:
For example, to build the <filename>foo.ko</filename> module, create the following <filename>Makefile</filename> in the directory containing the <filename>foo.c</filename> file:
-<screen> -<computeroutput> -obj-m := foo.o +<programlisting width="56"> +obj-m := foo.o
-KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build -PWD := $(shell pwd) +KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build +PWD := $(shell pwd)
- $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
-</computeroutput> -</screen>
- $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules
<para> Issue the <command>make</command> command to build the <filename>foo.ko</filename> module.
<section id="sn-kernel-coop">
<title>Userspace Dependancies on the Kernel</title>
&DISTRO; adds support for clustered systems.
This requires a special kernel that works in conjunction with some user-space utilities, such as management daemons.
Consequently, to remove such a kernel, perhaps after an update, you <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> simply use the <command>rpm -e kernel-</command><replaceable><version></replaceable> command as in earlier distributions because these userspace packages depend on the kernel package.
You may either list both the kernel package and its userspace dependant packages on the <command>rpm -e</command> command, or you may wish to use the <command>yum remove kernel-</command><replaceable><version></replaceable> command instead since <command>yum</command> automatically removes dependant packages if necesssary.
</section> <!-- Local variables:
-- Fedora-docs-commits mailing list Fedora-docs-commits@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-commits
Uttered Karsten Wade kwade@redhat.com, spake thus:
I suppose since these are commented out they don't affect anything except ... well, I can't figure what. I'm soooo curious, how do they make editing easier? Is it to keep track of the entities used?
Well, I don't use a buggered-up emacs (as if there were any other kind ;-), so the localvars stuff does nothing for me. I always have an appropriate DOCTYPE at the head of the file; when I want to edit the file, I just un-comment it and voila -- any XML editor just works(tm). When I'm done editing, I just recomment it; if I forget then the XSLT step breaks with lots of crazy errors, but at least they point straight to the extra DOCTYPE element. The locale <!ENTITY> stuff just keeps the editor from whinning about undefined entities.
Bob's your uncle.